5.1.1 1.ook at the picture, and discuss in groups of 4-6 to identify one of the attractive places in your area that may be a place of tourist attraction. Now, write a short text to inform people about the place. In the text, (i) describe why people choose it as a tourist place and (ii) how you will inspire people to visit the place. Finally, exchange your copy with the next group.
(ছবিটি দেখো এবং ৪-৬ জনের দলে তোমার এলাকার এমন একটি স্থান চিহ্নিত করো যেটা পর্যটনের জন্য আকর্ষণীয় হতে পারে। এখন জায়গাটি সম্পর্কে মানুষকে তথ্য দিতে একটি short text লেখো। text এর মধ্যে. 1) পর্যটনের স্থান হিসেবে মানুষ এটাকে কেন choose করবে তা লেখো এবং ii) স্থানটি ভ্রমণের জন্য লোকজনকে উৎসাহিত করো। সব শেষে তোমার কপিটি পরবর্তী গ্রুপের সাথে বিনিময় করো।)
To organise your text, follow the given guidelines, or you can write in your way:
Now let's check the copy of another group and award them with symbols (emojis, hearts, stars etc). Use the following checklist to review the copies. For every 'yes', award your friends a symbol. When finished, return the copy to the group.
The things to check | Yes | No |
1. All the ideas of the text are about the attractive place in your area | ||
2. More than one paragraph is used to describe the place | ||
3. Different paragraphs are used to write different ideas | ||
4.Different paragraphs with different ideas are arranged logically | ||
5. All the wards, phrases and sentences are connected | ||
6. To connect the sentences/paragraphs, words/phrases (and, but, then, in the beginning, etc.) are used | ||
7. Minimum words are repeatedly used | ||
8. The text gives a clear idea about the place | ||
9. Appropriate punctuation marks are used | ||
10. You enjoyed reading the text because the text gives a clear meaning to you |
5.2.1 Now, notice how many 'yes' and 'no' you have got in pairs/groups. If you get any 'no' it means that you have to develop that area. Now, list the areas you have to develop in the following grid. Do the necessary changes to make the text clearer to the readers in the next column. Finally, share it with the class.
(এখন, লক্ষ্য করো, দলে/জোড়ায় তুমি কতগুলো হ্যাঁ এবং না পেয়েছো। যদি তুমি 'না' পাও বুঝতে হবে তোমাকে এক্ষেত্রে আরো উন্নতি করতে হবে। এখন যে ক্ষেত্রগুলোতে তোমার উন্নতি করতে হবে নিচের grid-এ তার একটি তালিকা করো। text-টি পাঠকদের কাছে আরো স্পষ্ট করার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় পরিবর্তন এনে পরের column- এ লেখো। সবশেষে এটি শ্রেণিতে share করো।)
One is done for you (Use as many rows as you need)
Areas to develop | The changes we will do te make the text clearer for the readers |
1. For example, I have written the sentences in this way- People will love to visit the huge green park in my area. People usually do not see such a huge park | To make the text clearer I will rewrite the sentences in this way- People will love to visit the huge green park in my area because they usually do not get chance to see such a huge park. |
2. | |
3. | |
4. | |
5. |
5.3.1 Now, read a note on 'Ways to make a text more engaging and clearer to the readers'. Later, identify the cohesive devices and their purposes in the following text 'How Schools Educate Students About Mental Health."
(এখন, কোনো text-কে পাঠকের সাথে আরো বেশি সম্পৃক্ত করার এবং অপেক্ষাকৃত স্পষ্ট করার পন্থা সংক্রান্ত note-টি পড়ো। পরে How Schools Educate Students About Mental Health টেক্সটে ব্যবহৃত cohesive devices এবং সেগুলোর উদ্দেশ্য চিহ্নিত করো।)
Ways to make a text easy and understandable to the readers:
Effective communication mostly depends on the clarity of your expressions. One way to make your ideas clearer to the readers is to use cohesive devices in your writing. Now, let's explore what cohesive devices refer to and how they work in a text.
Cohesive Devices
Cohesive devices are words and phrases that connect ideas among different parts of a text. If you read any text carefully, you will notice ideas are already there in the text. But sometimes they remain isolated. The cohesive devices connect those ideas with each other and help the readers understand what the writer is saying in the text. So, the sole purpose of using cohesive devices is to build an interrelationship among sentences or paragraphs and give a logical progression to the text.
(Cohesive Device: Cohesive device হচ্ছে সে সব word বা phrase যে গুলো একটি text এর বিভিন্ন অংশের idea গুলোকে সংযুক্ত করে। যদি তুমি কোনো text সতর্কতার সাথে পড়ো তাহলে তুমি লক্ষ্য করবে text এর মধ্যে সেই idea গুলো বিদ্যমান রয়েছে। কিন্তু কখনো কখনো সেগুলো বিচ্ছিন্নভাবে থাকে। Cohesive device সেই idea গুলোকে সংযুক্ত করে এবং লেখক text টি তে কি বলেছেন তা বুঝতে পাঠকদের সাহায্য করে। সুতরাং: cohesive device ব্যবহারের একমাত্র উদ্দেশ্য sentence অথবা paragraph গুলোর মধ্যে আন্ত:সম্পর্ক গড়ে তোলা এবং text টিকে একটি যৌক্তিক অগ্রগতি দেওয়া।)
For example, read the following sentence:
"Kobita s friend is a great swimmer and she couldn't cross this small distance yesterday. As a reader, aren't you confused? Definitely, you are Because the first information that you have got is- Kobita's friend is a great swimmer. The writer has used and to tell the second idea, so you are expecting a similar idea like 'May be she will easily cross a small distance But, the writer has just written the opposite that "She couldn't cross this small distance yesterday. Here, the use of this cohesive device 'and' makes you confused and eventually you have failed to understand the meaning of the text. But, by using the appropriate cohesive devices, we can connect the ideas and make the meaning clear to the readers. The text can be rewritten in the following way-
"Normally, my friend is a great swimmer but yesterday she failed to cross this small distance.
Now, when you have used normally and but, it makes sense to the readers. So, it is the appropriate use of cohesive devices that convey the correct meaning to the readers.
In English grammar, there are different kinds of cohesive devices. Here, three of them are written for you:
1. Using pronouns:
If you use pronouns to refer to the previously mentioned nouns, you can make a text sound better and easy to follow.
ইংরেজি grammar এ বিভিন্ন ধরনের cohesive device রয়েছে, এখানে তোমাদের জন্য তিনটি দেওয়া
১. Pronoun ব্যবহারের মাধ্যমে:
পূর্বে উল্লেখিত কোনো noun এর পরিবর্তনে pronoun ব্যবহার করলে text টি আরও সুন্দর ও আকর্ষণীয় হয়।
For example: I would like to thank my friends. Without them, I wouldn't do it properly.
Here, the pronoun 'they' is used to refer to the previously mentioned noun 'my friends, and it helps to make the text connected and easy for the readers
2. By using conjunctions:
Conjunctions are the words used to connect words, phrases and clauses in a text. In English grammar, the most used conjunctions are for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so (FANBOYS)
২. Conjunction ব্যবহারের মাধ্যমে:
Conjunction হচ্ছে সেই সব word যেগুলো একটি text এ বিভিন্ন word, phrase এবং clause কে সংযুক্ত করে। ইংরেজি grammar এ অধিক ব্যবহৃত conjunction গুলো হচ্ছে: for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so (FANBOYS)
For example, if you read the following sentences-
I like to talk to people. I like to know about different lifestyles. I don't like to travel. Here, the sentences are not connected, neither the ideas. So, they do not give a clear meaning to you. But, using appropriate conjunctions, you can connect the ideas and make them meaningful.
Let's use conjunctions to connect the ideas and make the text meaningful.
I like to talk to people and know about different lifestyles. But, I don't like to travel. So, by using appropriate conjunctions, you can connect the ideas to make the text meaningful
3. By using connectors/linking words and phrases.
Connectors play an important role to make a text meaningful. There is a long list of connectors Here is a list of some of the important connectors and their functions and uses are given here for you
৩. Connectors/linking words and phrases ব্যবহারের মাধ্যমে:
text কে অর্থপূর্ণ করার ক্ষেত্রে connector গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করে। connector এর একটি দীর্ঘ তালিকা রয়েছে। নিম্নে কিছু connector এর list/তালিকা এবং সেগুলোর ব্যবহার দেওয়া হলো:
Work to complete outside of the classroom!
Guidelines to complete the activity:
Form a group of 4-6. Give an interesting name to your group. Then, apply all the possible ways to search the cohesive devices. Also, notice the cohesive devices people use around you. Next, discuss and make a poster on the most useful cohesive devices, their use and purposes of their use in your context. Finally, present the poster in front of the class.
শ্রেণিকক্ষের বাহিরের কাজ।
Activity টি শেষ করার জন্য দিক নির্দেশনা
৪-৬ জনের দল গঠন করো। দলের একটি সুন্দর নাম দাও। তারপর cohesive device খুঁজে বের করার সম্ভাব্য সব কৌশল অবলম্বন করো। তোমার চারপাশের লোকজনের cohesive device ব্যবহারও লক্ষ্য করো। পরে সবচেয়ে বেশি প্রয়োজনীয় cohesive device গুলোর ব্যবহার নিয়ে আলোচনা করো এবং সেগুলো
ব্যবহারের প্রাসঙ্গিকতা নিয়ে একটি পোস্টার তৈরি করো। সবশেষে শ্রেণিতে উপস্থাপন করো।
How Schools Educate Students About Mental Health
Mental health has been stigmatized for many years due to society's stereotyped views about mental illness and cultural beliefs. Mental health involves a person's mental state, feelings and psychological well-being.
Factors of mental health include biological factors such as genes or brain chemistry, life experiences, trauma or abuse, or a family history of mental health problems. Some other issues that affect students today can be exam pressures, bullying, friendships, relationships, poverty, or family issues.
These issues affect the student's mental health, concentration from learning at school, attendance, social interactions and working with others These factors necessitate schools and teachers to develop strategies to help students struggling with mental health issues. As a result of mental health issues, students may experience depression, anxiety, eating disorders, substance abuse and even suicide
Usually, children are afraid of reaching out for help because they are scared that they would feel like they are being judged and may feel embarrassed because of their cultural beliefs Schools also need to assure that not all students are going through the same way and may react differently than others.
Some schools have already initiated various programs to support students struggling with mental health issues. For instance, the "RU OK? DAY" campaign is a community awareness program that empowers individuals to connect with people around them by asking a simple question, "Are you okay? Schools organize stress-free activities on this day, including dramas that help students to identify signs of anxiety and depression and provide information about available support Schools also teach students how to express their feelings, support theit friends, and where to seek help.
Another initiative that schools have taken to educate students about mental health is through the school curriculum Mental health is a unit part of the curriculum in all primary and high schools. The inclusion of mental health as part of the school's curriculum is a smart way of educating students about mental health and well-being, making them more comfortable to reach out for help The curriculum teaches students how to manage their mental health and well-being and support others.
Also, society must break the stigma surrounding mental health and take mental health issues seriously. It is a significant barrier to seeking help, making it difficult for students to come forward and ask for support. Society must work towards normalizing mental health problems to support those struggling with mental health issues.
In conclusion, schools play a vital role in educating students about mental health. By incorporating mental health education into their curriculum, conducting mental health workshops, providing mental health resources, and offering mental health programs, schools can help students manage their mental health and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues. Furthermore, providing mental health training for teachers can ensure that students receive the support they need when they need it. Schools that prioritize mental health education create a safe and supportive environment that can positively impact the lives of their students
Read the meaning of the following words to understand the text better. If needed, add more words to the list and take the help of a dictionary, friends or teacher to get the meaning of the words. Then, write them with their meanings in the appropriate columns.
Text টি ভালোভাবে বোঝার জন্য নিচের শব্দগুলোর অর্থ পড়ো। দরকার হলে তালিকায় আরো শব্দ যুক্ত করো এবং dictionary, বন্ধু অথবা শিক্ষকের সাহায্য নাও। তারপর অর্থসহ সেগুলো যথাযথ কলামে লেখো।
Word | Meaning |
stigmatised | a set of negative and unfair beliefs that a society or group of people have about someone or something |
stereotyped | a fixed idea or image that many people have of a particular type of person or thing, but which is often not true in reality and may hurt someone |
depression | a medical condition in which a person feels very sad, anxious and without hope. The depressed person often has physical symptoms such as being unable to sleep, lack of interest, a feeling of helplessness and so on. |
substance abuse | the habit of taking too much of a harmful drug or drinking too much alcohol |
embarrassed | feeling ashamed or shy |
empower | to give someone the official authority or the freedom to do something |
inclusion | the idea that everyone should be able to use the same facilities, take part in the same activities, and enjoy the same experiences, including people who have a disability or other disadvantage |
prioritise | to decide which of a group of things are the most important to someone so that s/he can deal with them first |
You can use the following grid to list the cohesive devices and to write their purposes in the text. One is done for you.
Text টিতে cohesive device এর তালিকা তৈরি করতে এবং তাদের উদ্দেশ্য লিপিবদ্ধ করার জন্য নিচের Grid টি ব্যবহার করতে পারো। একটির উত্তর তোমাদের জন্য দেওয়া হলো।
The cohesive device used in the text | Purpose of use |
1. Factors of mental health include biological factors such as genes or brain chemistry__ | Here, the cohesive device such as is used to give examples of the factors of mental health |
2. | |
3. | |
4. | |
5. | |
6. | |
7. | |
8. |
5.3.2 Now, ask and answer the following questions in pairs/groups. Later, check your answers with the group next to you.
(এখন জোড়ায়/ দলে নিচের প্রশ্নগুলো জিজ্ঞেস করো এবং উত্তর দাও। পরে তোমার উত্তর গুলো তোমার পরবর্তী দলের সাথে মিলিয়ে নাও।)
a. What is the text about?
b. How many ideas are there in the text? What are they?
e. Are the ideas connected to each other? If yes, how are they connected?
d. How many paragraphs are there in the text?
e. What is the purpose of each paragraph?
f. How have the paragraphs been used to organize the ideas of the text?
You can use the following grid to write your thoughts about the organization of the text. One is done for you.
Paragraph | The Idea of the paragraph | Organisation |
1. Mental health has been_____well-being psychological | People's thoughts about mental health and what mental health refers to. | The writer starts the text with this idea (Introduction) |
2. | ||
3. | ||
4. | ||
5. | ||
6. | ||
7. | ||
8. |
Let's read another note and know how to make a text coherent!
Coherence in writing refers to an interconnection among every idea within each sentence and paragraph in a text It makes the text logically organized and gives a clear progression of the ideas presented in the text So, readers can easily follow the line of arguments of the writer The coherence of a text mostly depends on your planning before writing the text. To make a text coherent, firstly, you need to choose and select the ideas you are planning to write. Then, organise those ideas into different paragraphs. Here, use appropriate cohesive devices to connect the sentences and the paragraphs, so that all your ideas stick together and contribute to a meaningful whole. Then, review the text, and finally, edit your text. To express your ideas whether you write a paragraph or an essay depends on the number of ideas you want to talk about. Let's know more about a paragraph and an essay
A. Paragraph
A paragraph is a series of sentences that are organised and coherent and are all related to a single topic. If you want to describe or talk about a single idea in brief, write a paragraph. A paragraph is of different kinds and written on various topics but all the paragraphs have a general three-part structure.
Let's explore a little bit more about the structure of a paragraph
1. Topic sentence(s): In a paragraph, by reading the topic sentences, the reader can understand what the paragraph is about. The topic sentence generally has two parts: (a) the topic itself and (b) the controlling of the idea That is, a topic sentence indicates the focus of the discussion and hints at the writer's position regarding the topic.
Coherence (সামঞ্জস্য): Coherence বলতে বুঝায় একটি text এর প্রতিটি sentence বা paragraph এর মধ্যে idea গুলোর আন্ত:সংযোগ এটি text টিকে যৌক্তিকভাবে সুসংগঠিত করে এবং idea গুলোর সুস্পষ্ট অগ্রগতি সাধন করে সুতরাং পাঠক লেখকের যুক্তির ধারা সহজেই ধরতে পারে। text এর coherence অনেকাংশে text-টি লেখার পূর্বে তোমার পরিকল্পনার উপর নির্ভর করে। একটি text-কে coherence করার জন্য প্রথমত: যে idea গুলো তুমি লেখার পরিকল্পনা করছো সেগুলো বাছাই করতে হবে। তারপর সেই idea গুলোকে বিভিন্ন paragraph এ সাজাতে হবে। এখানে sentence এবং paragraph গুলোকে সংযুক্ত করার জন্য যথাযথ cohesive device ব্যবহার করো যাতে তোমার idea সমূহ একসাথে মিলে যায় এবং এটা সম্পূর্ণভাবে অর্থপূর্ণ হয়ে ওঠে।
তারপর textটি পর্যালোচনা (Review) করো এবং সবশেষে তোমার textটি edit (সম্পাদনা) করো। তোমার idea প্রকাশ করার জন্য তুমি paragraph লিখবে না essay লিখবে তা নির্ভর করে তুমি কতগুলো idea নিয়ে কথা বলতে চাচ্ছ তার উপর। paragraph এবং essay সম্পর্কে আরো কিছু জানি।
Paragraph: Paragraph হচ্ছে কতগুলো সুসংগঠিত এবং coherant sentence এর সমষ্টি যেগুলো কোনো একটি একক বিষয়ের সাথে সম্পর্কযুক্ত। যদি কোনো একটি একক idea কে তুমি বর্ণনা করতে চাও। তাহলে একটি paragraph লেখো। Paragraph বিভিন্ন ধরনের বা বিভিন্ন বিষয়বস্তুর উপর হতে পারে কিন্তু সব paragraph এর সাধারণ তিনটি অংশ থাকে।
Paragraph এর গঠন সম্পর্কে আরো কিছু জেনে নেই।
(Topic Sentence: Paragraph এর মধ্যে topic sentence পড়ে paragraph টি কী সে সম্পর্কে পাঠক বুঝতে পারে। topic sentence এর সাধারণত দুটি অংশ থাকে। এ) বিষয়বস্তু নিজেই ৮) ধারণা নিয়ন্ত্রণ। তার অর্থ হলো topic sentence আলোচনার মূল ভাব এবং বিষয়বস্তু সম্পর্কে লেখকের অবস্থান নির্দেশ করে।)
For example, if a topic sentence mentions "School is fun but not with all the subjects I study, that means this sentence indicates the topic of discussion (school activities/ school environment), and this sentence also hints that the writer probably is going to discuss some of s/his preferences and challenges (and that is the idea of the controlling of the idea)
2. Supporting sentences/Body: Here you will write all the supporting details that give further explanation or information about the topic sentences
(Supporting Sentence/Body: এখানে topic sentence সম্পর্কে সব ধরনের supporting details থাকে যে গুলো topic sentence সম্পর্কে আরো ব্যাখ্যা এবং তথ্য প্রদান করে।)
For example, following the topic sentence (School is fun but not with all the subjects I study), the writer can explain with examples which things are fun to him/ her in the school and which are not
3. Concluding sentence: A concluding sentence wraps up the paragraph and restates the writer's point of view
(Concluding Sentence: Concluding sentence paragraph কে সুসম্পন্ন করে এবং লেখকের দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি পুনর্ব্যক্ত করে।)
For example, following the beginning, the concluding sentence could be, “That is why school to me is fun but not without some challenges.”
B. Essay
An essay is a piece of writing that is written to convince someone of something or to inform the reader about a particular topic. For the reader to be convinced or adequately informed, the essay must include several important components to make it flow in a logical way. An essay refers to a long text organized into paragraphs. In an essay, we use different paragraphs to write various ideas, that is, every paragraph has its own purpose. And to connect the paragraphs, we use connecters such as at the very beginning, sa, after that, besides, furthermore, in conclusion, and many more. Similar to a paragraph, an essay also has the following three-part structure
1) Introduction: It is your first paragraph Here, you will introduce the topic of the essay. In doing so, you must plan and write a good topic sentence(s).
2) Body: Here, you will give supporting information through examples, reasons, and statistics about the topic. To present different ideas, use separate paragraphs.
3) Conclusion: This is the last paragraph of your essay. Here, you will link the introduction and the conclusion of your essay by restating your point of view or position regarding the focus of the discussion. Do not add or bring new ideas to the conclusion of your essay.
So finally, we can say, to make a paragraph or essay coherent, we have to-
Essay: Essay হচ্ছে এমন এক ধরনের লেখা যার মাধ্যমে কাউকে কোনো কিছু উপলব্ধি করানোর জন্য লেখা হয় অথবা পাঠককে নির্দিষ্ট কোনো বিষয়ে তথ্য দেওয়ার জন্য লেখা হয়। পাঠক কে convince করতে হলে অথবা পর্যাপ্ত পরিমানে তথ্য দিতে হলে essay টিতে অবশ্যই কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ উপাদান থাকতে হবে যেগুলো এটাকে যুক্তিসঙ্গতভাবে এগিয়ে যেতে সাহায্য করবে। essay বলতে দীর্ঘ textকে বুঝায় যেটি কয়েকটি paragraph-এ সাজানো থাকে। একটি essayতে ভিন্ন ভিন্ন paragraph ব্যবহার করি। অর্থাৎ প্রতিটি paragraph -এ নিজস্ব উদ্দেশ্য থাকে। paragraph গুলোকে সংযুক্ত করার জন্য আমরা connector হিসেবে at the very beginning, so, after that, besides, furthermore, in conclusion, এবং আরো অনেক ধরনের connector ব্যবহার করি।
paragraph এর মত essay ও নিম্নলিখিত তিনটি অংশ রয়েছে:
Introduction: এটা eassy এর প্রথম paragraph। এখানে eassy এর topic পরিচয় করিয়ে দেওয়া হয়। এটা করতে অবশ্যই একটা ভালো topic sentence লিখতে হয়।
Body: এখানে topic সম্পর্কে উদাহরণ, কারণ এবং পরিসংখ্যানের মাধ্যমে supporting information দিতে হয়।
ভিন্ন ভিন্ন idea প্রকাশ করার জন্য ভিন্ন ভিন্ন paragraph ব্যবহার করতে হয়।
Conclusion: এটা eassy এর শেষ paragraph। এখানে তোমার আলোচনার প্রধান বিষয় সম্পর্কে তোমার অবস্থান বা দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি বর্ণনা করে introduction এবং conclusion এর মধ্যে একটি সংযোগ স্থাপন করে। তোমার eassy এর conclusion এ নতুন কোনো idea নিয়ে আসবে না বা যোগ করবে না। সুতরাং সব শেষে বলতে পারি কোনো paragraph বা essay কে coherent করতে হলে-
Let's practice what we have learned!
5.3.3 Read the following sentences in pairs/groups. They are not logically and chronologically organised. Identify the different cohesive devices used to connect the sentences and organize them to make a meaningful paragraph. Follow the structure of a paragraph while organizing the sentences. Later share it with the whole class.
(দলে/জোড়ায় নিচের বাক্যগুলো পড়ো। সেগুলো যৌক্তিকভাবে বা নিয়মতান্ত্রিকভাবে সাজানো নাই। বিভিন্ন sentence কে সংযুক্ত করার জন্য এবং অর্থপূর্ণ paragraph এ পরিণত করতে যে cohesive devices ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে সেগুলো চিহ্নিত করো। sentence এ সাজানোর ক্ষেত্রে paragraph এর গঠনগুলো মেনে চলো। পরে পুরো শ্রেণিতে তা share করো।)
Finally, the bird has provided a constant source of joy and comfort for Prasun, providing him with a loyal friend and companion. Firstly, the bird has shown him the importance of patience through the long and laborious process of building a nest. Prasun's bird teacher has played an important role in his life by teaching him valuable life lessons and being a faithful companion. Thirdly, the bird has demonstrated to him the impertance of being adaptable by adjusting its behaviour according to different situations. Overall, Prasun's bird teacher has been an exceptional role model, imparting essential life skills and providing him with unwavering companionship. Secondly, the bird has taught him the value of hard work by tirelessly searching for food and looking after its young
You can use this grid to organize the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph. One is done for you:
5.3.4 Read the following paragraphs of the essay 'From Seed to Blossom: Growing an Essay from a Paragraph' on the same topic. Again, the paragraphs are not organized. Discuss in pairs/groups and find out the cohesive devices used to connect different paragraphs. Then, arrange the paragraphs following the structure of an essay. Later, use the given grid to organize the paragraphs to make an essay, easy to understand.
(নিচে From Seed to Blossom নামক essay এর paragraph গুলো পড়ো। paragraph গুলো সাজানো নেই। দলে/জোড়ায় আলোচনা করে বিভিন্ন paragraph কে সংযুক্ত করার জন্য যে cohesive devices গুলো ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে সেগুলোকে খুঁজে বের করো। তারপর essay এর গঠন প্রণালী মেনে paragraph গুলোকে সাজাও। পরবর্তীতে essay টিকে সহজবোধ্য করে সাজানোর জন্য নিচের grid টি ব্যবহার করো।)
From Seed to Blossom: Growing an Essay from a Paragraph
Finally, the bird has provided Prasun with a constant source of joy and comfort. It has been always a loyal friend and companion by his side during difficult times The bird's unwavering companionship has transformed him into more compassionate and understanding towards others. He has learnt that having a good friend by his side can make all the difference in life.
Thirdly, the bird has demonstrated the importance of being adaptable. It adjusts its behaviour to different situations, showing Prasun that flexibility is necessary for success. He has learnt that change is constant, and it is important to be able to adjust to it. The bird has shown him that being adaptable is a valuable skill that can help one navigate through difficult situations.
Firstly, the bird has shown him the importance of patience. As he watched the bird build its nest, Prasun learnt that anything worth having taken time and effort. He always keeps this lesson in mind. He recognises that patience is a virtue and essential to have while working towards a goal.
In conclusion, Prasun's bird teacher has been an exceptional role model, imparting valu- able life skills and providing unwavering companionship. The bird has shown him the importance of patience, hard work, adaptability, and companionship. These lessons have helped him to become a better person and have provided him with the tools he needs to succeed in life Prasun will always be grateful for the time he spent learning from his bird teacher and will carry the lessons with him for the rest of his life.
Prasun's bird teacher has been a significant influence in his life. The lessons it has taught him have helped to shape him into the person he is today.
Secondly, the bird has taught Prasun the value of hard work. Every day, it tirelessly searches for food and takes care of its young. He has learnt that hard work is essential for achieving success Keeping this in mind, he also works hard to achieve his goals. The bird has shown him that anything is possible with hard work and dedication
If you need, take the help of the following word list with their meanings to understand the text better.
5.3.5 Now, notice both the grids again and compare their organizations in terms of length, structure, what and how you will write in different parts of the structure, the use of cohesive devices and the purpose of their use. Then, decide what steps you will follow to develop a paragraph and then an essay. Later, share the steps with the whole class. While one group is presenting, take notes and give feedhack afterwards,
(এখন আবার grid দুটি লক্ষ্য করো এবং দৈর্ঘ্য, গঠন এবং বিভিন্ন অংশে তুমি কি লিখবে এবং কিভাবে লিখবে এর ব্যবহার এবং সেগুলো ব্যবহারের উদ্দেশ্য বর্ণনা করার জন্য grid গুলোর বিন্যাস তুলনা করো। তারপর paragraph এবং সেখান থেকে essay তৈরি করতে তুমি যে ধাপ গুলো অনুসরণ করবে তা স্থির করো। পরবর্তীতে শ্রেণিতে তা share করো। একটি দলের উপস্থাপনের সময় অন্যদল note নিবে এবং পরবর্তীতে feedback দিবে।)
Now, write the steps, you will follow to develop a paragraph: You can start in this way-
To write a paragraph first I will think and decide on the ideas. Then, I will write the main idea____
Let's be a better writer!
5.4.1 Read the text 'How Schools Educate Students About Mental Health in Activity 5.3.1 again. Think that your school has initiated an awareness program to help students struggling with mental health issues. As a representative of your class, you are privileged to share your thoughts on this issue. Now, write a paragraph or an essay on "The ways your school can help the students with mental health issues, Later, exchange your copy with another group.
(Activity ৫.৩.১ এর How Schools Educate Students About Mental Health নামক text টি আবার পড়ো। মনে করো তোমার স্কুল মানসিক স্বাস্থ্য সমস্যায় যারা ভুগছে তাদের জন্য একটি সচেতনতামূলক program এর উদ্যোগ নিয়েছে। তোমাকে শ্রেণি প্রতিনিধি হিসেবে এই বিষয়ে তোমার চিন্তাভাবনা share করার সুযোগ দেওয়া হল। এখন 'The ways your school can help the students with mental health issues' বিষয়ে paragraph অথবা essay লেখো। পরে তোমার কপিটি আরেকটি group এর সাথে বিনিময় করো।)
To do the activity, follow the given guidelines-
Paragraph Writing
Presentation Time
5.4.2 Finally, write a short paragraph/essay on your experience of doing the whole work as an assignment.
(সবশেষে assignment হিসেবে সম্পূর্ণ কাজটি করতে গিয়ে তোমার অভিজ্ঞতা নিয়ে একটি সংক্ষিপ্ত paragraph/essay লেখো।)
New Words:
isolated, gene, trauma, abuse, concentration, initiate, barrier, flexibility, navigate, unwavering, compassionate, demonstrate, incorporate
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